Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Il, USA:
The church teaches that purpose of government is the common good. Period.
[The COMMON GOOD is a principle of Catholic Social Doctrine.
This explains why Franciscan Voice Canada as a voice for Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation is so concerned with politics. Structural injustice is sin because injustice is sin.
That is why we must be involved in politics and raise our voice.]
[i.e. the Catholic Social Teaching Principle!]
Some do; some not so much. Two examples follow
The European Union and others helped with money – large sums were invested – to build research capacities and production facilities early. Europe invested billions to help develop the world‘s first COVID-19 vaccines. To create a truly global common good. And now, the companies must deliver. They must honour their obligations. This is why we will set up a vaccine export transparency mechanism. Europe is determined to contribute to this global common good. But it also means business.” (video of her speech 33 mins)
Another great website for Lent
Check out the Global Catholic Climate Movement’s Laudato si’ Lent website
The resources and events are recommended.They include an on line retreat, events and resources (including Caritas Canada/ D&P’s 2016
Solidarity Way of the Cross: Create a Climate of Change)
Reflect, Repent & Renew.| Together
“As a spiritual work of mercy, care for our common home calls for a “grateful contemplation of God’s world”(Laudato Si’, 214) which “allows us to discover in each thing a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us” (ibid., 85).”
“85. The Canadian bishops rightly pointed out [*] that no creature is excluded from this manifestation of God: “From panoramic vistas to the tiniest living form, nature is a constant source of wonder and awe. It is also a continuing revelation of the divine”.[55]
[*] [55] Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Social Affairs Commission, Pastoral Letter You Love All that Exists… All Things are Yours, God, Lover of Life (4 October 2003), 1.”
“42. … In order to achieve their task directed to the Christian animation of the temporal order, in the sense of serving persons and society, the lay faithful are never to relinquish their participation in "public life", that is, in the many different economic, social, legislative, administrative and cultural areas, which are intended to promote organically and institutionally the common good.”
- Christ's Faithful People (Christifideles Laici)
Four Pipeline Realities for Alberta’s Rumpelstiltskin. Jason Kenney rants and raves over Keystone XL’s cancellation. But let’s look at the facts.
by Andrew Nikiforuk 24 Jan 2021 |
“Rystad Energy also talks about the industry’s dirty laundry: carbon dioxide emissions.
It calculates that the carbon intensity of the U.S. shale industry’s CO2 emissions is about around 12 kilograms per barrel of oil equivalent. In contrast, the oilsands is calculated “at a staggering 73 kilograms” per barrel of oil equivalent. Conventional onshore producers such as Saudi Arabia have a footprint of 19 kilograms per barrel of oil equivalent.” - the tyee
Makes you think? So what? Here’s what:
Trudeau promised a Just Transition Act.
We’re pushing him to deliver. No more empty promises!
It was disappointing to see Prime Minister Trudeau and his cabinet mourning the cancelation of the Keystone XL pipeline. Instead of wasting their breath on a doomed pipeline, they should take action to support workers and communities. That’s why we’re taking action to call on Prime Minister Trudeau to deliver the Just Transition Act he promised in 2019.
Thank you, President Biden for cancelling KXL, a step in the right direction!
1. “Like many pioneering black sisters in white orders, Ebo endured unconscionable discrimination from her white counterparts and superiors.” Read more
2. Priests who are biological fathers of children: Read more
3. “ …be aware that sexual abuse of nuns exists, and that when — as long as victims don't speak out, perpetrators will just go on.” Read more
Beginning 2 March 2021, the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis (English Sector) of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will offer a four-part webinar series entitled, Nurturing Friendship, the Directory for Catechesis in Dialogue with the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, and invites individuals who are responsible for evangelization and catechesis including, clergy, consecrated persons, laity involved in ministry, directors and coordinators of evangelization and catechesis, and Catholic educators to participate. Webinars will take place on Tuesday afternoons on 2, 9, 16 and 23 March and are 90 minutes in length. Registration is free of charge, however interested participants are invited to sign up before Monday, 22 February 2021. When registering directly within the Zoom meeting platform, participants can indicate their preference for one, two, three or all four of the sessions. For more information about the series, contact Margaret Shea-Lawrence by email at [email protected]. |
Against Climate Gloom and Doom
When given a chance, life finds a way.
Here are some reasons to keep hoping - and fighting.
Read more: The Tyee and Royal Roads
Peace & joy, Andrew, ofs