According to Tomás Insua, executive director of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, an international network of over 800 Catholic organizations, the event - which began with a prayer led by Franciscan friars - is to denounce Black Friday.
Tomás Insua @tomasinsua
Pre-#ClimateStrike prayer in Assisi!
Denouncing #BlackFriday & celebrating 40th anniversary of #StFrancis declared patron saint of Ecology. By Franciscans & @CathClimateMvmt.
1:36 AM - Nov 29, 2019
For the poor, every day is Black Friday
because they seek deals just to survive –
for them it is about their needs not wants
Read more: Spanish cardinal denounces spread of Black Friday sales to Europe
Thanks to Sherrill Guimond, ofs for bringing this to my attention
I Timothy 6:6-10
7. for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.
8. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.
9. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.
10. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
our approach to
Christmas consumerism?
Consumerism’s focus is on having the latest, buying the best, and discarding last year’s model in favor of the newest, fanciest, and shiniest. A consumerist mentality thrives on chronic dissatisfaction with what is presently possessed regardless of the fact that human (and other species) extinction is bad for the economy (as one protester’s sign puts it)!
Pope Francis warned against this consumerist greedy selfishness in Laudato Si’, n 50: “ … extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues. It is an attempt to legitimize the present model of distribution, where a minority believes that it has the right to consume in a way which can never be universalized …” and he points to a contributing factor: “The myopia of power politics delays the inclusion of a far-sighted environmental agenda within the overall agenda of governments.” (n 178).
But “Luckily, the exodus from a consumer, globalized culture into a neighborly, localized communal and cooperative culture has begun.” (Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation: Departing the Consumer Culture, 26 November 2019)
Opponents came up with International Buy Nothing Day, or Buy Nowt, a protest against consumerism that spread under the banner “Escape the shopocalypse.” (Read more at the Guardian)
It encouraged consumers to resist the “absurd dystopian phenomenon” and the “rabid free-for-all” that had created shoppers who will trample and fight each other to get their hands on stuff.
Black Friday sucks the life out of small businesses, who cannot compete against this ruthless price cutting. If you really need to shop on Buy Nothing Day, ignore the big retailers with their aisles of organised landfill and make a commitment to support local independent shops and businesses.
For the fourth time since the first Global Climate Strike in March 2019, youth and adult allies gathered in the millions in cities and towns around the world 29 November 2019 sounding the alarm on rising greenhouse gas emissions and calling for immediate and rapid action to end fossil-fuel extraction and eliminate carbon emissions.
The Climate Strikers and others have raised their voices against Black Friday and in fact all consumerism and waste etc. because of the effect on the environment. Thousands of young people across Canada skipped school 29 November to take part in climate strikes , part of a world wide Fridays for Future school climate strike joined by Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace and others prior to the UN’s COP25 climate meeting in Madrid in early December but they did so in front of a slightly different backdrop. 29 November’s strike fell on the same day that thousands of shoppers were cashing in on big savings through Black Friday events.
“So many people go shopping,” said Kaya Mckergow, 13, from Halifax, NS (in photo below left) “It takes a lot of fuel to import the clothing and everybody in their car. It’s just really [harming] the environment.”
Kendra Ridgely, 18, (photo below right) said she participated in the climate strike because “we need to take action before it’s too late.” (Sabrina Fabian/CBC)
XR’s funeral CHANGE OR DIE casket 29 Nov 2019, Vancouver, BC
Read more at the Tablet.
About 1,000 climate strikers gathered in Victoria, BC stopping at BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources – blocking traffic for half an hour. Block Friday indeed!
Black Friday is bad for the planet say French politicians
“Black Friday is bad for the planet and should be banned, say French MPs” “France's parliament is to debate banning Black Friday on the grounds that it is bad for the planet, promotes "overconsumption" and flouts strict French rules on sales periods.”
Black Friday is a day of consumerism that reflects the larger culture of disposability, capitalism, and consumption. The transactions between corporations, our government, industries, and political parties put our futures and the planet's health at risk.
Each city in Canada will be organizing actions, strikes, and protests to draw the attention of the masses. We demand that our futures — and the climate crisis — be taken seriously. Check in with your local group to get the details of your city’s events.
to see how you can cut down on waste
in electronics, food, clothing etc.
....Read more
Christmas is a time to remember the humility of God through the humble birth of Jesus and the fact that the Holy Family led by St Joseph, Patron of Canada, were refugees who had to flee to save their lives; like so many today. This is a time to relish the mysterious and seeming inconsistencies in Christ’s example e.g. the humility of the manger can be seen in contrast to the Feast of Christ the King but only if Christ the King is mistaken for an Earthly rather than a Spiritual King; and Servant King who washed his disciples’ feet. But we Franciscans celebrate the close link between the material and the spiritual; after all “This world is pregnant with God” as St Angela of Foligno, TOSF famously said and she was echoed by Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”
I pray a grace before meals (whose opening sentence comes from the Talmud) that goes: “Blessed are you Lord our God, King of the Universe by whose word all exists.” Followed by the second sentence inspired by the Canticle of the Creatures: “All praise be yours my Lord through our Sister Mother Earth by whom you care for all our needs.”
Some words on humility from Ilia Delio, OSF
from The Humility of God: A Franciscan Perspective, 2005:
“The humility of God is really about God’s relationship to the world and God’s fidelity to the world, even when everything in the world seems to fail.”(p 1) “What we see through the lens of Francis is that Christian life requires active engagement; to be attentive to the humility of God who hides in ordinary fragile human flesh, tiny creatures and the natural elements of creation.” (p 9) “It is up to us as Christians to live in the freedom of God’s humble love. Only by living in the freedom of love can we help transform the world into the fullness of Christ. It is possible. Francis did it in his own way and in his own time. Now we, too, must do the same.” (p 12)
And I would add, as Albert Einstein said: “You never fail until you give up trying.”
filled with peace, love, joy and hope!
And energy for those actively engaged!
(Thanks to Fr. Manoj Xalxo, OFM; OLOTA (Western Canada) Regional Spiritual Assistant for the joy image)