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human beings above all who need change" (202). He also states: "The issue of environmental degradation challenges us to examine our lifestyle" (206). The call here is for us to make real changes in how we live, no matter how small. We have grown in awareness and have taken steps personally and communally but can we go deeper. What changes can you still make....eliminating single use plastic water bottles, eliminating styrofoam, recycling, using greener cleaning products, adjusting food habits, spreading the word about the need to care for the earth, engaging in political advocacy... Consider our Franciscan call to live in relationship with all of creation. Read Chapter 6 of Laudato Si, On Care for Our Common Home. Watch a two-part video on Chapter 6 by Fr. Daniel Horan, OFM, by clicking here. To learn some suggested actions, click here. See their full newsletter here MERRY CHRISTMAS!“… Only those who are steeped in the logic of God’s ‘Incarnational’ love will be able to reach out to those otherwise discounted and excluded: migrants and refugees; those who profess other religious ideas and practices; those who we are told are our ‘enemies’ when, in the logic of God’s Incarnation, they are our brothers and sisters; a wounded creation, exhausted and under threat from unbridled and immoral exploitation…”
Br. Michael Perry, OFM Christmas 2019 Message to the Order from the Minister General For Sister Alison McCrary, a community lawyer and activist in New Orleans, joining a religious order was an act of resistance: "The world needs more prophetic voices, and making vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience in a society that values power, money, and sex is a radical thing to do."
Sister Alison gives us a tour of the Treme, the historically black neighborhood where she ministers, and explains how her vows help her serve her community. See their full newsletter here. - from Our Lady of Hope Province In March 2018, IPBES launched four Assessment Reports on #biodiversity and #EcosystemServices - one each for #Africa, the #Americas, #AsiaPacific and #Europe and #Central Asia. Together they are the most important expert contribution of the past decade to the state of knowledge about nature and nature's contributions to people. See the video
The General Office for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation |OFM
Newsletter issued Thursday, June 20, 2019 by Ordo Fratrum Minorum - See the newsletter Dear brothers,
May the Lord give you peace! This year I would like to share with all of you a message inthe context of the celebrations of 800 years of the encounter between Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt al-Malik al-Kamil. This commemoration has offered the Church and the Order an extraordinary opportunity to reflect on and study the topic of open and respectful dialogue with Islam and, of course, with other religious faiths. I want to invite you to experience the mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord considering this event based on what I wrote last 7th January in a letter to the entire Order about this important anniversary. It urges us to abandon fear and literally open the doors of our mind, allowing God to operate in an unprecedented way in the hearts of men and women of good will who fight without distinction to promote social justice, moral good, peace and freedom to the benefit of all (cf. Nostra Aetate 3). READ FULL TEXT |
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